Coming Soon!

Highlight the space below for a spoiler (the script).
Panel 1.
	A chef in a diner behind the counter. A sign on the wall with the text,
        "Today's special: Chicana beef."
        Kid asks: What's today's special?
        Chef says: Read the menu, chicana beef.

Panel 2.
	Kid asks: Is there any pork in that? I don't eat pork you know...
	Chef says: Well let's see...

Panel 3.
	Chef is pointing at B in beef: "B" is there a "b" in pork? Hmm, no I
	don't think so... "E" is there an "e" in pork? no nope, I don't
	believe there is. Well whadya know, another "e" we know that one... 

Panel 4.
	Chef is pointing at F: "F" There's no EFFENPORK!
(Double entendre: there's no "f" in pork / there's no fucking pork)