#!/bin/csh -f setenv TERM vt100; set n=1; cd /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/b/e/belg4mit/ASCII set dir = `ls -d [^A-Z]*[^~]` start: while(1) echo " **** Pix ****" set n=1; set m=2; set o=3; set t=1 while( $o <= "$#dir") onintr action if( $t <= 3 )then echo " $n. $dir[$n] $m. $dir[$m] $o. $dir[$o]" set t = `expr $t + 1` else echo "$n. $dir[$n] $m. $dir[$m] $o. $dir[$o]" endif set n = `expr $n + 3`; set m = `expr $m + 3`; set o = `expr $o + 3` end action: echo "" echo "n to send V:n to view Q to quit" echo ""; echo "Action?"; set input = "$<" set input2 = `echo $input | cut -d : -f 2` set input = `echo $input | cut -d : -f 1` if( "$input" == "V" || "$input" == "v" ) goto view if( "$input" == "Q" || "$input" == "q" ) exit 0 if( "$input" <= "$#dir" ) goto send end view: $PAGER $dir[$input2]; sleep 2; clear goto start send: echo "What color?"; set control = "$<" if( "$control" == "" ) set control = "black" echo "@color[$control]" >! /var/tmp/$user.pix cat /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/b/e/belg4mit/ASCII/$dir[$input]\ >! /var/tmp/$user.pix2 /afs/athena/contrib/perl/perl -pi~ -e 's/@/@@/g' /var/tmp/$user.pix2 cat /var/tmp/$user.pix2 >>! /var/tmp/$user.pix if( "$argv" == "" )then echo "To whom do you wish to send? "; set recipient = "$<"; if( "$recipient" == "" ) set recipient = "$user" z $recipient < /var/tmp/$user.pix else z $argv < /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/b/e/belg4mit/ASCII/$dir[$input] -q endif