The earth was supposed to look something like:


Instead many saw it like (7 bit mail-mangled):

          \    |     /
        --  /     \  --
   _____________   | 
  111111111111011     New 5 / French House   11    11     Courses 1 & 3
 01111111111110011     Jerrad Pierce            11        Iff 0 = 0      
0011111111110000001     Tel # x5-7645        1      1 
0001111111110000000     475 Memorial Drive    111111      Just wanted
0000111000010000000     Cambridge, MA 02139               to say I'm
 00000111000000000     My country is the world, and my    wearing a  
  000111111100000     religon to do good- Thomas paine    duck...    also maintain 

or (8 bit UNIX)

          \    |     /
        --  /     \  --
   _____________   | 
  ±±±±±±±±±±±±°±±     New 5 / French House   ±±    ±±     Courses 1 & 3
 °±±±±±±±±±±±±°°±±     Jerrad Pierce            ±±        Iff 0 = 0      
°°±±±±±±±±±±°°°°°°±     Tel # x5-7645        ±      ± 
°°°±±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°     475 Memorial Drive    ±±±±±±      Just wanted
°°°°±±±°°°°±°°°°°°°     Cambridge, MA 02139               to say I'm
 °°°°°±±±°°°°°°°°°     My country is the world, and my    wearing a  
  °°°±±±±±±±°°°°°     religon to do good- Thomas paine    duck...    also maintain